Let the florist choose the most beautiful blooms of the day. Hand delivery made by the local florist to ensure the flowers are delivered in pristine condition. Cut flower bouquet
Florist choice
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A beautiful collection of flowers simply wrapped and ready to arrange.
Flowers in shades of Orange/peach and white simply wrapped in paper or your choice with no cellophane. Customer is expecting eco-friendly.
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A fabulous collection of white and cream flowers make this the perfect gift. This bouquet will be hand delivered by the local florist.
Hand tied in water and presented in a gift box/bag colours whites and greens.
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Want to send something extra special? Look no further! Silky smooth and guaranteed to impress its recipient. A beautiful combination of pink lilies and roses make this that perfect gift to send to family, friends or a loved one.
Want to send something extra special? Look no further! Silky smooth and guaranteed to impress its recipient. A beautiful combination of pink lilies and roses make this that perfect gift to send to family, friends or a loved one.
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A soothing collection of Roses and Lilies delicately crafted and delivered by a professional florist.
Hand-tied bouquet delivered in a Gift Box or Bag. Only Roses and Lilies to be delivered.
Suggested Flowers: Pink Oriental Lily (3 or 4 headed). High Grade 60/70cm Roses,
Suggested Foliage: Ruscus. Salal.
Recommended Suppliers: Flowers and Foliage (Heemskerk Flowers),
Gift Box or Bag, Cellophane (Whittingtons).
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Send good vibes with this funky colourful collection of flowers to brighten their day. A wonderful gift for many occasions.
Hand-tied wrapped and presented as you wish.
Suggested flowers: Germini, Roses, Gypsophila.
Suggested foliage: Bear Grass and Pittosporum.
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Flowers to put a smile on their face. Let them know that you’re thinking of them with this fun petite collection of flowers and foliage to send same day.
Container: A small arrangement in a Zinc Pot lined and filled with Oasis.
Suggested flowers: Spray Roses, Hypericum, Lisianthus, Astrantia, Santini, Chrysanthemum Spray and Carnations.
Suggested foliage: Ruscus and Pittosporum
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Say hello in style with this fabulous hand-tied. Why not take the opportunity to be spontaneous and surprise them today with a stunning flower delivery by their local florist.
Hand-tied wrapped and presented as you wish.
Suggested flowers: Roses, Anthurium, September, Astrantia, Alstroemeria, Santini, Chrysanthemum Spray.
Suggest foliage: Aralia and Pittosporum
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This exquisite collection of high quality soft shaded blooms make the perfect gift for any occasion. (please note Peonies only included when in season)
High end collection of pastel shaded flowers . Customer advised Peonies only included during season. Handtied and wrapped as you wish.
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This classical stylish collection of flowers, make this hand tied the perfect gift. Professionally arranged and delivered by a local florist.
Hand-tied wrapped and presented as you wish.
Suggested flowers: Carnations, Roses, Clematis, Lisianthus, Eryngium, September, Antirrhinum.
Suggest foliage: Aralia and Pittosporum.
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Energise their day with a stunning surprise. A warm collection of seasonal flowers artistically arranged by an artistic florist.
Hand-tied wrapped and presented as you wish.
Suggested flowers: Spray Roses, Santini, Chrysanthemum Spray, Carnations, Antirrhinum, Germini, hypericum, Astrantia.
Suggested foliage: Pittosporum.
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This stunning arrangement will delight the most discerning of flower lovers. Designed to be ready to enjoy from the moment it arrives.
Container: An arrangement in a Hat Box filled with Oasis and a ribbon around the box.
Suggested flower: Roses, September, Lisianthus, Astrantia, Carnations and Clematis.
Suggested foliage: Ivy and Pittosporum.
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Send this vibrant hand-tied featuring a mix of favourite flowers delivered in a delightful gift bag or box is the perfect way to send your thoughts.
A hand-tied or box arrangement in Oasis in pretty pastel shaded flowers and foliage. Fabric ribbon.
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Make their day with this bright and vibrant collection of flowers, beautifully presented in a gift box / bag.
A bright and vibrant mixture of flowers and foliage delivered in a box or bag.
Suggested Flowers: Roses, Chrysanthemum Spray, Germini, Lisianthus, Gypsophila.
Suggested Foliage: Aralia, Eucalyptus, Salal.
Recommended Suppliers: Flowers and Foliage (Heemskerk Flowers),
Gift Box and Cellophane (Whittingtons).
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12 luxury red roses and fabulous foliage are the perfect way to say “I love you”.
12 best quality red roses presented as a hand-tied in water with luxury foliage in a bag or box.
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A romantic collection of roses and lilies hand-tied and delivered by a local florist.
Only roses in pink and white and oriental lilies in either pink and / or white to be delivered in water. Wrapped and presented as you wish.
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A pink themed hand-tied created in a complimentary gift bag or box. A special gift they’ll remember for years to come.
A hand-tied in water delivered in a bag or box in shades of pink and white.
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This gorgeous hand-tied bouquet of sweet pastel shades is sure to bring joy and delight. Crammed with beautiful flowers guaranteed to put a boost into any occasion.
A Hand-tied bouquet delivered in water in a box / bag wrapped in complimentary paper / flowers. A collection of high end luxury traditional pastel shaded flowers were used.
A novelty pick was added to enhance the design.
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Make their day with a pretty pastel basket of flowers. Nothing to do but enjoy.
Container: An arrangement in a basket and presented as you wish.
Suggested flowers: Roses, September, Lisianthus, Spray Carnations, Hyacinth, Astrantia, Santini, Chrysanthemum Spray.
Suggested foliage: Pittosporum and Ivy.
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Stunning Aqua box in whites and creams suitable for any occasion.
Stunning Aqua box in whites and creams suitable for any occasion. The florist will hand deliver this beautiful bouquet. Whites creams and greens
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This delightful collection of seasonal blooms is a beautiful way to send your affections. A pretty arrangement in a classic basket simply fizzing with joy and character.
An arrangement in a handled basket in foam / other using vibrant multi coloured flowers. A fabric bow was used to enhance the design.
Top tip: Make the design with long lasting foliage before completing the design with choice flowers.
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Sophisticated flower arrangement in peach and creams. Hand delivered luxury!
Sophisticated flower arrangement in peach and creams. Hand delivered luxury! The florist will choose the most luxurious flowers of the day and hand deliver in a vase.
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Handtied of fresh cut flowers arranged in water and a gift box in autumnal shades.
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selection of flowers in oranges and reds
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Coffin spray made in Reds and Creams. Please advise the florist if you would prefer an alternate colour scheme.
Coffin spray made in reds and creams as standard. Suggested flowers include Rose, Gerbera, Wax Flower, Thistle, Veronica Flower and Foliage. Customer may advise a preferred colour scheme.
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A fresh funeral bouquet in yellows - including sunflowers or gerberas.
Stem count not specified, individual flower count not specified. Suggestion flowers include White Carnation, White Rose, Yellow Wax Flower, and sunflowers depending on availability during the seasons with Foliage. Presentation is a traditional flat bq
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Coffin spray made in pinks. Please advise the florist if you would prefer an alternate colour scheme.
Coffin spray made in pinks as standard. Suggested flowers include Lilies, Rose, Gerbera, Wax Flower, Thistle, Veronica Flower and Foliage. Customer may advise a preferred colour scheme.
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Mixed flowers suitable for a lady or a gentleman. Ring wreath for a funeral.
Stem count not specified, individual flower content not specified. Suggested flowers may include Roses, Gerberas, Carnation, Button Chrysanthemum, Wax Flower, Thistle (if in Season) and Foliage. Presentation: loose flowers ring wreath
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A glorious mix of flowers delivered in a vase. Perfect for any occasion and a gift that's easy to keep. Just add water!
A glorious mix of flowers delivered in a vase. Perfect for any occasion and a gift that's easy to keep. Just add water! The florist will choose the loveliest blooms of the day.
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A gorgeous mix of brightly coloured flowers gift wrapped and hand delivered by the local florist.
A gorgeous mix of brightly coloured flowers gift wrapped and hand delivered by the local florist. Same day delivery available please order before 2pm.
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A wonderful variety of whites and pinks with emerald foliage.
A wonderful variety of whites and pinks lovingly embellished with emerald foliage. Whatever the occasion this arrangement is ideal to let that special someone know how much they mean to you. Container may vary.
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A lovely selection of flowers and foliage arranged in a glass vase.
Loveliest selection of flowers hand delivered in a glass vase in bright shades. A gorgeous floral gift perfect for any occasion.
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A beautiful little surprise delivered to your loved one.
flowers 2 red roses & foliage flowers. Arrangement type, handtied arranged and delivered
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(Florist Choice) A delightful treat, delivered in addition to your flower order. Select to send a balloon as an add-on item today.
(Florist Choice) A delightful treat, delivered in addition to your flower order. Select to send a balloon as an add-on item today. Let the florist know the occasion the balloon is required for and they will take care of the rest.
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(Florist Choice) A delicious add-on gift, delivered by the florist in addition to your flower order.
(Florist Choice) A delicious add-on gift, delivered by the florist in addition to your flower order. Let the florist know the occasion the chocolates are required for and they will take care of the rest.
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An inspiration from nature - a flower gift perfect for any occasion.
An inspiration from nature - a flower gift perfect for any occasion. Hand delivered by the florist. The container may differ from the one shown. Pale pinks and creams
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This amazing profusion of colour is bound to brighten the dullest of days. A vibrant and joyful floral gift with character in abundance.
A hand-tied bouquet delivered in water in a box / bag wrapped in complementary paper / cellophane of vibrant multi coloured flowers.
A novelty pick was added to enhance the design.
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This warm, subtle coloured collection of beautiful flowers will make anyone’s day.
A collection of high end flowers in shades of pink and peach are what the customer is expecting. Hand-tied and delivered in water in wrapping of your choosing.
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A water bubble crammed with outstanding flowers, minimal fuss, maximum joy… Simply display and enjoy.
Handtied in water of mixed summer flowers gift wrapped and presented as you choose.
Suggested flowers and foliage
Rose, Phlox, Astilbe, Lizianthus, Veronica, Carnation, Antirrhinum, Eucalyptus cinerea, Asparagus.
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This little pot of sweetness is a joy to behold. Filled with smiling flowers and a complement of variegated foliage.
A jute plant pot cover or similar is lined and filled with foam / other to come just above the rim of the pot by approximately 2cm.
The arrangement of traditional pastel shaded flowers is front facing. A fabric bow is used to enhance the design.
Top tip: make the arrangement in long lasting foliage before completing with the flowers.
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This small but classical arrangement makes a lovely gift. Nothing to do but enjoy.
Container: A arrangement in a small pot lined and filled with Oasis.
Suggested flowers: Lisianthus, Carnations, Santini, Chrysanthemum Spray, Clematis.
Suggested foliage: Salal and Pittosporum.
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This luxury arrangement of flowers in a stylish Hat Box will be remembered for a long time!
An all round arrangement of high end flowers arranged in foam or other in shades of pink and peach delivered in a hat box container.
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A beautiful collection of flowers simply wrapped and ready to arrange.
Flowers in shades of pink and white, simply wrapped in paper or your choice with no cellophane. Customer is expecting eco-friendly.
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This little bag filled with flowers is the perfect way to send your message.
A front facing or all round arrangement in foam or other in a small Jute Bag in shades of yellow and white flowers. (Top tip - Fill foam with foliage before putting in the main flowers)
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A luxurious basket filled with a selection of the finest blooms, designed in a serene colourway.
A collection of white and ivory flowers and foliage arranged in a stylish basket. The customer will be expecting flowers to include high quality roses.
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Leave a lasting impression with this single red rose, presented in a glass vase. Handmade & hand-delivered to the one you treasure.
A single high quality rose is arranged in a stem vase with high quality choice foliage and a novelty item. Top tip: The ribbon is wired and the flowers are tied before putting into the vase to keep everything in place for delivery.
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Who could resist you after receiving this selection of the beautiful red roses matched to the finest seasonal foliage.
6 standard red roses hand-tied or arranged in Oasis with choice filler and foliage with a novelty item presented in a gift box or bag.
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What could be more perfect than this fabulous collection of quality flowers hand-tied and delivered in water.
The customer is expecting a hand-tied quality of flowers in shades of pink with hints of green and fillers. Gift-wrapped and delivered in water in the wrapping of your choosing.
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Let the experts work their magic with a unique Valentine’s Day gift wrap.
A collection of flowers suitable for Valentine’s Day presented as you think appropriate.
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A vibrant gerbera posy hand-tied featuring a mix of colours carefully selected by the local florist. Hand-delivered in a gift bag or box.
A small posy handtied of mixed gerbera with optional foliage wrapped and delivered in water as you choose. No quantities are mentioned to the customer but 12 were used for photography
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A beautiful collection of flowers simply wrapped and ready to arrange.
Flowers in shades of yellow and white, simply wrapped in paper or your choice with no cellophane. Customer is expecting eco-friendly.
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Let the experts work their magic with a unique Valentine’s Day Hand-Tied.
A collection of flowers suitable for Valentine’s Day presented as you think appropriate.
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Show your grand affection with this luxurious bouquet of the finest blooms of the season. Arranged in beautiful packaging, this bouquet is perfect for expressing your deepest emotions and making a lasting impression.
A beautiful collection of pink, white and blue / purple high quality seasonal flowers and fillers. This is total luxury and the customer is expecting high quality.
Presented as a hand tied in complementary wrapping.
Please if possible use sustainable packaging.
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12 luxury red roses and fabulous foliage are all you need to make a grand romantic gesture to your sweetheart.
12 luxury red roses eg. Naomi, Explorer. Hand-tied or arranged in Oasis with choice foliage and presented in a gift bag or box.
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What a cute way to send your message. This little gift bag filled with flowers is simply joyful.
A front facing or all round arrangement in foam or other in a small Jute bag in shades of pink and white flowers (Top tip - Fill foam or other with foliage before putting in the main flowers)
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An outstanding hand tied bouquet with a cascade of colour and a treasure chest overflowing with the beautiful flowers.
A large handtied of mixed summer flowers in water gift wrapped and presented as you wish.
Suggested flowers and foliage
Rose, carnation, Astilbe, Lizianthus, Alstroemeria, Phlox, Veronica, Salal, Eucalyptus cinerea.
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Send luxury at its finest with this breathtaking composition made with the most desirable blooms. If you're looking for that extra special gift with that added WOW factor - You’ve found it!
A hand-tied of very special white and green flowers and foliage wrapped and presented as you think appropriate. The customer will be expecting Green Anthuriums and high quality roses to be included.
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A sensational array of roses hand-tied and beautifully presented. This star of the florist just demands adoration and is sure to wow the recipient.
A hand-tied bouquet delivered in water of 12 high quality pink roses and complementary filler wrapped in paper/ cellophane in a box / bag.
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A vibrant collection of fresh flowers with a touch of spring. Delivered in a complimentary gift box / bag.
A mixed flower hand-tied to include some spring flowers. Delivered in a box or bag.
Suggested Flowers: Germini, Santini Chrysanthemum, Hyacinth, Tulips, Soleil d’or, Daffodils.
Suggested Foliage: Aralia, Salal, Birch Twigs.
Recommended Suppliers: Flowers and foliage (Heemskerk Flowers).
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Show your affection with this fabulous hand-tied featuring white oriental lilies and foliage.
White oriental lilies and choice foliage are hand-tied and gift wrapped. White lilies are expected so if none available, please contact the customer to agree an alternative or reject.
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Send lots of love and kisses with this classic hand-tied bouquet featuring a selection of romantic flowers finished with a luxurious single red rose.
A pink and red hand-tied or arrangement in Oasis to include a single red rose to be delivered in a valentines style gift bag or box.
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A spring hand tied in a glass vase, in a lovely mix of flowers and colours.
Glass vase, Butterfly (Whittingtons)
Flowers: Mixed Hyacinth, Daffodils, Soleil d'or, Mixed Tulips, Cerise Germini, Pink Painted Twigs, Mad Linzi Santini Chrysant, 50cm Aralia levels, Salal
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Shower them with love with this cutesy collection of seasonal flowers in pretty pastels. Beautifully arranged and stylishly presented in a traditional basket.
An arrangement in a handled basket in foam / other using pastel traditional shaded flowers. A fabric bow was used to enhance the design.
Top tip: Make the design with long lasting foliage before completing the design with choice flowers.
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This charming hand-tied floral arrangement looks good enough to eat. A delicious array of blooms with heads held high supported with glorious greenery.
A hand-tied bouquet delivered in water in a box / bag wrapped in complementary paper / cellophane. A collection of high end luxury vibrant multi-coloured flowers were used.
A novelty pick was added to enhance the design.
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This pretty combination make this a perfect choice.
Hand tied in water presented in a gift box or bag. Pink, white, green to include fillers. Suggested flowers Lilly, Rose and chrysanthemum's.
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Roses and carnations make the perfect couple when combined in this timeless and romantic gift that’s sure to impress.
6 red roses and 6 red carnations with choice filler and foliage in a hand-tied or arrangement in Oasis and presented in a gift bag or box. A novelty item is added.
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Pink Roses and Carnations make this gift timeless and classic
6 pink roses and 6 Pink carnations were used to make this hand-tied. The customer will be expecting this combination. Different shades of pink of either flower will be acceptable. If the customer chooses the higher priced item more roses and carnations should be added. Gift wrapped and delivered in water in wrapping of your choosing (If these products are not available please reject or contact customer to advise of alternatives).
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Looking for that ultimate gift that's out of this world!? Look no further. This fabulous hand-tied of the finest and freshest blooms is all you need to make a lasting impression...
A fabulous collection of pink shaded choice flowers and foliage in a hand-tied wrapped and presented as you think appropriate. The customer will be expecting high quality roses and lilies to be included.
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Could you get a prettier collection of flowers?
A collection of pink shaded flowers with filler, hand-tied and delivered in water in wrapping of your choice.
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Option of a Green-House plant or a Flowering-House Plant.
Option of a Green-House plant or a Flowering-House Plant.. Option isn't specified unless requested by the customer.
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A special gift of long lasting Oriental Lilies so simple, so perfect.
5 stems of 3/4 headed pink Oriental lilies and foliage were used to create this hand-tied. If the customer chooses the higher priced versions then the stem count must increase. Gift wrapped and delivered in water in a wrapping of your choosing. (If these coloured Lilies are not available please reject or contact customer to advise of alternatives.)
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A bouquet of mixed beautiful roses is sure to create a lasting impression.
12 mixed 50cm roses were used for this Hand-tied. If the customer chooses the higher priced item then extra roses should be used. Gift-wrapped and delivered in water in a wrapping of your choosing.
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This warm, subtle coloured collection of beautiful flowers will make anyone’s day.
A collection of high end flowers in shades of pink and peach are what the customer is expecting. Hand-tied and delivered in water in wrapping of your choosing.
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A breathtaking spray of seasonal flowers interspersed with foliage. Natural, beautiful and just perfect.
Please use no cellophane or plastic tie on this product as it is marketed as eco friendly.
If it’s a hand-tied delivers in water in a glass vase. If you do not want to tie the flowers that is your choice.
Suggested flowers and foliage
Germini, Rose, Chrysanthemum Blooms, Astilbe, Lizianthus, Alchemilla Mollis, Antirrhinum, Phlox, Aralia, Eucalyptus cinerea.
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Leave a lasting impression with this single red rose, presented in a glass vase. Handmade & hand-delivered with chocolates to the one you treasure.
A single high quality rose is arranged in a stem vase with high quality choice foliage and a novelty item. Top tip: The ribbon is wired and the flowers are tied before putting into the vase to keep everything in place for delivery.
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Show your sentiments with this luxurious bouquet of 6 red roses, perfectly presented in beautiful packaging, it’s designed to captivate and express passionate love.
beautiful blend of six luxury red roses and white wax flower or other suitable filler, elegantly arranged with lush green foliage in complementary packaging
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